The policies and regulations contained herein are given the effect of law by Senate Bill 162, 60th Legislature, 1967, of which Section 2 is quoted in part below:
“Each governing board of the State institutions of higher education of this State is hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations for the safety and welfare of students, employees and property and such other rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and the governance of the respective institutions, providing for the operation and parking of vehicles upon the grounds, streets, drives and alleys or any other institutional property under its control.”
(Approved by The Texas State University System, November 2017)
Lamar University engages and empowers students with the skills and knowledge to thrive in their personal lives and chosen fields of endeavor. As a doctoral-granting institution, Lamar University is internationally recognized for its high-quality academics, innovative curriculum, diverse student population, accessibility and leading-edge scholarly activities dedicated to transforming the communities of Southeast Texas and beyond.
The control of automobile vehicle traffic on campus is a necessary part of the efficient operation of the University. During business hours certain areas are adequate only for those vehicles necessary for University business.
The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of University business and to provide parking facilities in support of this function within the limits of available space.
These rules and regulations are part of the rules and regulations of the University and as such are to be observed by members of the staff, faculty, student body and visitors.
Admittance to any reserved parking area is by authorization of the Parking Office only. Any person who is assigned to a reserved area and finds an unauthorized vehicle parked in - the area should report the unauthorized vehicle to the University Police Department.
Any vehicle with a valid permit can park in a space marked reserved, or a gate-controlled lot after 5:00 p.m. (unless marked otherwise) or if the lot is being used for a special event. If a gate is in the up position during a period that the University is open for business, the lot is still restricted for Faculty/Staff.
Any space marked RESERVED, even in a non-gated lot, is reserved from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise marked for Faculty/Staff.
Note: There is a maximum 4-hour charge limit for all EV charging stations. Vehicles will be ticketed if they are charging past the 4-hour charging limit. When a person receives a citation, he/she should comply with the instructions on the citation.
Parking and traffic violations are enforced by Lamar University Police.
On special occasions and in emergencies, parking and traffic limitations may be imposed by the University Police Department as required by the conditions that prevail.
A faculty, staff, student or contract employee who has an unpaid parking ticket at the end of a fiscal year may not purchase a parking permit for the following fiscal year until the citation charged to their account is paid or dismissed.
The individual’s s vehicle will be subject to being booted if parked on campus without a current parking permit.
The Parking Office seeks to support students, faculty, staff, and the university community who have concerns about accessibility.
If you have a question or require assistance in accessing parking information, please call our office at (409) 880-7275 or email us at
The Parking Office is located in the Wimberly Building, Room 118 with office hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.